I think some info is warranted here for anyone not familiar with building a guitar. The neck block, or head block, is what the neck of the guitar is eventually attached to. If the alignment of said neck block is not correct, you can kiss any chance of having a good sounding guitar goodbye. You will end up trying to correct all kinds of issues that you could have avoided if you had a good plan of attack to begin with.
I do not have a good plan of attack. I actually did not have any plan of attack at all. Fortunately, I do not need to come up with one of my own. The company I purchased my kit from, www.KennethMichaelGuitars.com had come up with an excellent plan of attack for me. Honestly, I'm really glad he did because, like I said before, I have never built anything before and I could seriously screw up this step.
I measured for the 47th time and then came the moment of truth. Here is a picture of what I did:
Well...I will tell you. At the last minute, I was too much of a chicken to glue the neck block. So I glued the tail block instead. Its location is not nearly as critical to the end result and caused me much less agida. Agida, if you are not Eye-talian is defined by the UrbanDictionary.com as Italian-American slang for heartburn but it can also mean mental aggravation. My mom agrees with this definition, so I know its right.
Anyway, I am holding off on the heart wrenching procedure of gluing the neck block until later. Possibly tonight. Possibly not. Here is a picture of my cat watching me write this crap:
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