Monday, October 19, 2009


I had to make two corrections to some info I put out there:

1) The rosette around the sound hole is NOT just for looks. It is actually there to prevent the wood from splitting. When you cut the hole in the top, you expose the end of the wood grain. The rosette serves to bind the end grain together and prevent any splits from occurring in this area.

2) The top of a guitar is NOT in fact domed like an egg to withstand the crushing forces of a mama chicken's ass. I was very wrong about this point and I apologize. While the guitar CAN indeed stand up to all but the most rabid chicken's ass attack (or, the doming of the top is not intended to do that. My egg analogy was my cheap attempt at humor. I apologize for that.

3) The sound board of the guitar is also not domed to withstand the pulling of the strings. The strings PULL, not push on the top. Therefore the dome has no effect on this. The braces on the underside of the sound board prevent the top from pulling off. Rabid chicken attacks notwithstanding.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings. Ken Cierpilowski from KMG e-mailed me to let me know where my info had gone awry.

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